• Agreement made on:

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Between:
  • Of:
  • & Fish House Fabrications, LLC (Bailee) of 7178 Fish house Rd, Galway, NY 12074.

  • The property to be stored to be pursuant to this Agreement is the following described vehicle (property):

  • terms

    i. The Bailor & Bailee agree to store the above described item (property) for 6 Month period (April 1st-October 1st) (period of time) in consideration of a storage charge of $2.50 per foot, for the first 6 months is hereby acknowledged. Storage is to be paid in advance, and if monthly storage exceeds the agreed time allotted, the daily rate of $5 will be charged.

    ii. Bailee assumes no liability for theft, collision, fire or damage in any case.

    iii. If Bailor fails to reclaim Property and pay all storage charges, Property will be sold at public sale after notice of the sale has been given by publication. Bailor has the right to bid on Property at this sale.

  • Clear Signature
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Mon-Fri: 8AM - 4PM
Sat & Sun: Closed
(Sat by appt only, if you need to cancel to please give 24 hrs notice)

(518) 883-7021

7178 Fish House Rd.
Galway, NY 12074

* If needed, feel free to contact us to request a drop off or pickup time outside of our normal business hours.

Email Us - [email protected]